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d here this is the city that witnessed y honor and loss there are people i want to thank sittia whether it&039;s all the cast bers of the oy owhey have brought a lot this trophy is e only with yal with their na(这不是我第一次来到威尼斯,也不是我第一次站在这里。这是见证了我荣誉和失落的城市,这里的台下,坐着我想要感谢的人。无论是《嘲弄者》的所有剧组成员,还是我自己的团队,他们都带给了我很多很多,这个奖杯上刻着的不仅是我的名字,更是他们的名字。)

林深指了一下大屏幕,(he yizhi the ocker is a an without faith i ed to be the sa, but i&039;ve been thkg about what faith is buddhis says that everythg is false the eyes and ears, ae buddhist dhara is true s say that they endure hardships before they die aerhe politis of all kds publicize their poliuro artists rehetics《嘲弄者》中的何亦折是一个没有信仰的人,我曾经也是一样,但我一直在思考信仰是什么。佛教说眼中耳中皆是假,无边佛法才是真,基督徒说忍受生前困苦,希冀身后永生,各种政治家宣扬自身政策,无数艺术家渲染自身美学。)

they show vario fors of belief, what is belief the end howwe defe beliefs if we &039;t fd the ihe if there are any superfis?(他们展现了信仰的各种表现形式,那么信仰到底是什么呢?浮于表面的形式再多,可要是找不到内在实质,我们又该怎样去定义信仰?)林深说到这里笑着感叹,it really onality and is differereasens that allo to be ierdepe(它确实缺乏共性,对于每个人不尽相同。它可以达成共识,让一个团体亲密相依。)

林深顿了一下继续说道,if we look at it this way, none of e it, but ress it, seize it a(如果这样看,我们没有一个人可以定义它,但是我们却可以去表现它,抓住它,热爱它。)

i jt said that i had no faith becae i thought it was eless, bely thought of yself as the whole, becae h to ake up y life(我刚才说我曾经没有信仰,因为我觉得它根本无用,因为我只将我自己当做全部,因为电影已经足够构成我的人生。)

but now, i have d, people will always eheir own gods, the day i t, y heart suddenly lost order and able, i thought it was the body was unfaithful to , but fact, it is only y io abandon their pride and bias, it has to fd a support for theselves(可是现在,我已经改变了,人总会遇到自己的神明,遇见的那一天我心脏忽然失去秩序不再稳定,我以为这是身体对我不忠,但实际上这只不过是我的思想下定决心背弃自己的骄傲和偏颇,它要为自己寻觅一个支撑。)


too literary to say that i a worried that the dia reporters who are known as the uned kg will isuand , i io be ore sd siple(这么说似乎有些过于文艺化,我很担心那些被誉为无冕之王的媒体记者们会误解我的意思,所以我打算再赤诚再简单一些。)


y lover

